ACAP Scotland Conference 2022 #ACAPscotCONF

ACAP Scotland Conference 2022 #AdvPracWeek22

We are moving to a hybrid/blended event this year and look forwards to seeing as many as possible of you in person.. 

The Research day will be free of charge. 

Registration to attend and application to present your work at the virtual Research day (Wed 16th November) is now open: Apply here.

The face to face day (Friday 18th November) will be £50 to attend in person – great value with networking and lunch at Bean Cross Farm event centre near Grangemouth. 

Booking open

It includes access to all recorded content after the event. Please note that we can only offer 100 places at the face-to-face event, first come – first served. Registration for this will open soon. Please note your interest to to get the most timely updates.

Virtual access only is available for the Friday at a reduced cost of £30. Again, fantastic value which includes access to all the recorded content after the event.

Award nominations are also now open. Nomination form.